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Sunday 24 August 2014

British Ebola patient flying to UK for hospital treatment

A British national who contracted the Ebola virus in Sierra Leone is being flown back to the UK on an RAF jet, the UK's Department of Health has said.
The healthcare worker is being flown to London's RAF Northolt in a specially-equipped C-17 aircraft and will be transported to an isolation unit at the Royal Free Hospital in north London.
The Briton is "not currently seriously unwell", a DoH spokesman said.
Health officials have stressed the risk to the UK remains "very low".
The DoH said the decision to return the patient to the UK was taken following "clinical advice".
Prof John Watson, DoH deputy chief medical officer, said the patient would be taken in a specially-adapted ambulance to a high level isolation unit - the only unit of its kind in the UK.

'Best care possible'

It is the first confirmed case of a Briton contracting the virus during the current outbreak, in which 1,427 people have died.
The World Health Organization has estimated 2,615 people in West Africa have been infected with Ebola since March.
The virus, for which there is no cure, is spread between humans through direct contact with infected bloodily fluids. It is one of the world's deadliest diseases, with up to 90% of cases resulting in death.
A statement from Sierra Leone's health ministry said the Briton had been volunteering at a clinic in the Kenema district of the country.
Sidie Yayah Tunis, director of communications at the health ministry, said the patient had been flown out of the country's main airport in the town of Lungi on Sunday.

C-17 aircraft
The patient is being transported back to the UK in a C-17 aircraft

Dr Paul Cosford, director for health protection at Public Health England, said the Briton was being transferred with "all appropriate protocols promptly activated" by UK health agencies.
"Protective measures will be strictly maintained to minimise the risk of transmission to staff transporting the patient to the UK and healthcare workers treating the individual," he said.
He added: "UK hospitals have a proven record of dealing with imported infectious diseases and this patient will be isolated and will receive the best care possible."
Prof Watson said the UK had "robust, well-developed and well-tested NHS systems for managing unusual infectious diseases".

The isolation unit at The Royal Free Hospital
The patient will be treated at a specialist isolation unit at London's Royal Free Hospital

"It is important to be reassured that although a case of Ebola in a British national healthcare worker residing in Sierra Leone has been identified and is being brought back to the UK the overall risk to the public in the UK remains very low," he said.
Dr Bob Winter, from NHS England, said preparations had been under way over the past few weeks to ensure any patient being repatriated to the UK received the best possible care.

'Slap in the face'

BBC correspondent Will Ross said health workers in West Africa have had to decide whether it is safe to fly the patient back to the UK.
"The experts are saying it is a low-risk move but for the patient it could well be a life-saving move because the clinics in Sierra Leone are so over-stretched," he said.
Our correspondent said the move away from Sierra Leone would "improve the patient's chances" of recovery.
However, for people living in West Africa it was "another slap in the face", he said, because people could see "how much better" health care is in countries like the UK and the US.

Dr Kent Brantly
Dr Kent Brantly, who has recovered from the Ebola virus, said he was "thrilled to be alive"

It comes after two Americans recovered from Ebola and were last week discharged from hospital having been flown to the US and given an experimental drug.
Dr Kent Brantly, 33, and Nancy Writebol, 59, were flown from Liberia, in West Africa, to Atlanta, in the US, where they received an experimental treatment known as ZMapp.
Officials in Liberia have also said three medical staff have shown signs of improvement after taking the drug.
Health workers say the body has a greater chance of fighting off the virus if the patient seeks help fast and the symptoms are treated.
The Foreign Office this week issued updated travel advice, which urged Britons to assess the need to travel to Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia.
"General medical facilities throughout Sierra Leone are currently under severe strain due to the Ebola outbreak, and unable to provide the same standard of healthcare as in the UK," the travel advice said.
"Dedicated healthcare facilities for Ebola are overwhelmed."

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